Insight into VCs: What are they looking for?

Written by TandemLaunch | 20-Apr-2022 2:45:00 PM

As you pour blood, sweat and tears into creating a successful startup, have you ever stopped to think about why you are doing what you are doing? If you answered yes, you are not alone.

Join Scott Loong, Partner at Panache Ventures, as he discusses why people should align their values with their careers, and why it is important. Successful startups always have a clear answer to validate the purpose of their work and use it as a coping mechanism when going through challenging times.

Loong shares that venture capitalists select companies that have an impact on portfolio construction as well as on ideas that can be brought outside a local and even broader national context. Therefore, when startups are thoughtful in their approach when contacting venture capitalists, the process becomes streamlined.

Learn more about our speaker and check out our other podcast episodes below! 


Scott Loong

Partner at Panache Ventures

Scott is a general partner at Panache Ventures, one of Canada's leading pre-seed and seed-stage venture funds. Before becoming an investor, Scott was a co-founder of (acquired in 2019), an InsurTech startup that used technology to automate insurance renewal shopping. Prior to that, he was a Principle and EiR at Ferst Capital Partners, one of Canada’s pioneering FinTech venture funds. Scott is a member of the Technological Innovation Advisory Committee, which advises Quebec’s financial regulators on issues of innovation and Fintech, and a startup coach at Concordia’s District 3. Scott is a business lawyer and holds a master's degree in business administration (MBA) from McGill University’s Desautels Faculty of Management, as well as civil and common law degrees from McGill’s Faculty of Law.